Basket Full of Produce (Good for a family of 2-3 for 4-5 days)
₹ 825.00
Spinach 250 Gms (Hydroponic)
Rocket 100 Gms
Coriander 50 Gms (Hydroponic)
Cucumber 500 Gms (Hydroponic)
Table Tomato 500 Gms (hydroponic)
Green capsicum 250 Gms (Hydroponic)
Potato 500 Gms
Onion 500 Gms
Garlic 100 Gms
Ginger 100 Gms
Cabbage 500 Gms
Beetroot 250 Gms
Amla 250 Gms
Small Brinjal 250 Gms